Short And Long Term Effects Of The War Of 1812

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The War of 1812 was an armed conflict between the United States and the most powerful naval force in the world, Great Britain. The war, which would have a great impact among its people began on June 18, 1812 and finalized on February 18, 1815. This disastrous war was a result of a global conflict and Britain’s injustice actions toward America. As the war broke out, both countries faced devastating challenges such as casualties, destructions, and invasions, but in the end the treaty of Ghent would be the resolution and this would then come to be known as the “second war of independence.” Great Britain was constantly at war with France for global superiority. The United States felt that the British did not respect them the slightest as they would impress American sailors to serve on their ships. Great Britain feared of losing their war with France, …show more content…

troops were underprepared. During the war, American naval forces gained victories in the Atlantic and on Lake Erie, while Britain was focused on their ongoing war with France. Another, major event, which astonished Americans and left many demoralized was the burning of the Capitol building and the White House. America’s future appeared to be more ambivalent than ever before as the enemy had their eyes on the vital seaport of Baltimore, Maryland. On September 13, 1814 the British troops started shooting bombs and rockets on Fort McHenry. Despite, the United States dubious thoughts of their fate, with perseverance they were able to stop the enemy from advancing. However a change of events occurred when American’s naval force now led by Thomas Macdonough’s won the significant battle of Plattsburg Bay on Lake Champlain, which would force british troops to abandon its invasion on U.S. northeast and retreat back to Canada. This would then led to the treaty, which created peace among the two