Short Essay On Joseph Eulogy For Kids

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16 years ago a wonderful child named Joseph Bishop came into this world screaming and crying to the proud parents Lois and Cj Bishop in Jefferson, Indiana. Joseph is still screaming today but for the things that are most important to him. As a young kid Joseph was very unique, every night he would have his ear rubbed just so he could fall asleep. Joseph was a rebellious toddler for instance, when his mom said he couldn't have any cake and when his mom went to the restroom, he attempted to get a piece of cake and failed. When his mom came out he hid the cake with his foot. Joseph’s great grandmother gave him a teddy bear that her mother had given to her when she was a little kid. Joseph carried the teddy bear everywhere he went and eventually named it Teddy. …show more content…

Joseph had an interesting life in kindergarten for instance his teacher Mr.C just always had to use him as an example for an idiom. When Joseph went to baseball practice he had a nickname and it was Smiles. The reason for this being was that every time his peers would see him, he was smiling. In kindergarten through 6th grade Joseph was a very happy kid, he made friends and dreamed of playing basketball. In Jr. high Joseph won second place in a conference for the cross country team. Joseph tried out to play on the basketball team and was saddened because he didn’t make it. The loss of the spot on the basketball team greatly saddened him but that didn’t stop him from trying to achieve his goals.Joseph was greatly appeased when he won a conference for the 1600 yard run in track. This shows that Joseph never gave up his goals which is great in