Short Story: Shivered The Old Man

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I’m not in the old man’s bedroom, he's their sleeping, the floorboard creaks under my feet, he sits up as quick as a hummingbird’s heartbeat. “Who’s there, what do you want?” Shivered the old man. I could feel the rage for the man’s eye growing as he looked in my direction, I couldn’t stand that electric blue, smoky eye. I leap over him from the end of the bed, trying to hold him down he puts up a great fight, punching me over and over, kicking and screaming for help that I hope would never come. I finally throw a fatal blow to his head that knocks him out cold, this was my change now to get rid of that deadly eye, for good. I tie a piece of rope over his mouth, to keep him quiet when he does wake up, then taking one of his own chairs, put