
Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

674 Words3 Pages

Chris Cardoza
Period 3

NCAA Athletes Should Be Paid

When anyone is watching a college football game or a basketball game. No one ever thinks, Do these players get paid. They are hard workers putting their time out of class and practicing almost every day to do their job. And you know who get’s those checks, the coaches and the players don't get a cent. I know that coaches make the plays and everything but who are the people working out there. But they don’t simply just play their sports for 40 hours a week they also have to stay in school and put those study hours too. Imagine having a total of hours working on school work and studying for hours for the classes you took, a college athlete works 90 hours a week to stay in school and keep their scholarship and do their sport. This is the same has having 2 full-time jobs and a side one on the weekend. Players should have rights to get the money from NCAA and start sharing it evenly.
College athletes spend most of their time a week dedicated to their sport. The average American full-time work contract usually stipulates that the employee will work between the hours of 8 AM in the morning and 5 PM at the afternoon. Five days per week. These hours are used over training days, games and travel. Student athletes must attend to remain on the team and keep …show more content…

The NCAA states that paying the players wouldn’t make sense or destroy the sport. But wouldn’t make it more competitive. The players would want to play more and will give it their all. Players would be more competitive. In the nfl the players are payed because of their performance, if college players were paid their performance would increase and more people would watch it. If they were paid they wouldn’t have to worry about the money and could focus more on the games and in classes. They will be way better competitors and come in strong in games. Don’t you want the games to be more

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