Should College Athletes Get Paid Essay

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“Should College Athletes get Paid” Imagine what it is like being a college athlete. The mornings most likely consist of waking up early to some type of practice. After morning practice and workouts, classes begin. Usually along with the classes comes labs and tutoring for those that may need some remedial help, Then, once classes are done for the day, it is back to practice that probably would not end until late that night. The process starts all over again the next day. “In college I never realized the opportunities available to a pro athlete. I’ve been given the chance to meet all kinds of people, to travel and expand my financial capabilities, to get ideas and learn about life, to create a world apart from basketball,” by “ Michael Jordan”(Athlete …show more content…

In 2013 the NCAA tournament Louisville player Kevin Ware suffered a horrific injury to his right leg while attempting to block a opposing player's shot. After six months of healing and physical therapy he was back to practicing. He was lucky. There have been instances where players have become paralyzed from hits or tackles on the football fields or other injuries that have ended other players careers before they even get started. These players are sacrificing their bodies and physical health at a chance to play a game they love, and possibly make it to the professional level (Patterson). College athletes also bring in an incredible amount of money. Journalist Michael Wilbon has written that seeing the $11 billion deal between the NCAA and CBS/Turner Sports for March Madness between 2011 and 2024 prompted him to change his mind about paying student- athletes. This deal shows the amount of money the NCAA is bringing in over the course of one month alone. March Madness is one of the most watched sporting events in the country. Yet the money being made of the event is not trickling down to the players, who are the stars of the tournament