Should Community College Be Free Essay

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Community College Tuition Should Not Be Free In the article, “As He Promotes It, Some Question Obama’s Free Community College Idea”, by Joanne Jacobs, the issue is brought up that making community college free will bring more issues than solutions. “Tuition shouldn’t be free for those who can afford to pay”, said Bezerra, a student at Rio Hondo College, a community college near Los Angeles. Making community college free will only draw in higher and mid classes and eventually push out the lower class of students attempting to get into community college. Everyone needs to pay tuition in order to benefit the rest as a whole. I agree with the reasoning that everyone needs to pay tuition. I support this claim because everyone pays money towards tuition and that in return gets recycled back to the community in which everyone including yourself benefits from. The money students pay for tuition does not go into a vault never to be seen again, it gets recycled back into the community in one way or another. A community college tends to have less resources than a private university and the reason for that is the funding that the students pay to go there. Even now lower class students in which who go to community college already do not have to pay tuition as they qualify for the Pell Grant. …show more content…

When the school has little resources but a mass amount of students who want to take classes there will only end up on the waiting list. Those students on the waiting list will be lower class students and those enrolled into classes are mid and upper class students. ““ Savvier-middle-and upper-middle-class students could be competing for spots with low-income students,” Siqueiros said, “ One population ends up pushing out another.”” Lower class students will have a harder time getting enrolled if community college becomes