Should Creationism Be Taught In Public Schools Essay

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Creationism should be taught in public schools In today’s society, we are taught that the idea of the creation is not scientific. Some people think it is a waste of time to teach this religious idea. I believe that the creation should be taught alongside with evolution. The reasons I believe this way are as follows: creationism is a theory, it can’t be proved wrong. That means it could be right. It is our right, according to the constitution, to express our freedom of speech. The theory of the creation doesn’t disagree with science, it embraces it. By excluding this theory, we are limiting our diversity. The last reason schools should teach about the creation, is the fact that the majority of people want it taught in parallel with evolution. Evolution is only a theory. So is the same with the creation theory. Both can neither be proven right nor wrong. Both theories fit into the same category. They are both explanations of observations. In order to prove one wrong, one must be proven right. When a theory cannot be proven right, it is not thrown …show more content…

This is a much closed minded decision. By limiting the information that is taught to students, we are restricting the diversity of their learning experience. When only one viewpoint of an argument is presented, the audience cannot make an informed decision for themselves. This should be an important aspect of any educational institution. Both sides should be presented and students should have the opportunity to analyze and decide for themselves. “Creationism and other such belief systems inspire debate and encourage children to articulate thoughts that help them develop skills that simply cannot be gained through a strictly academic education.”(Smallwood). When the public is given diversity on a subject, they are more likely to make a decision based on their instincts and their own reason. They are not forced to adopt from a limited amount of

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