Should Dress Codes Be Paid In High School?

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Dress codes are constantly under fire in one way or another. The debate of whether they should be in place or they should not within the walls of a high school is ongoing. Whether it is a girls shoulders on display, rips above her fingertips, or dresses too high above their knee, issues with the dress code typically cause issues for the females in attendance. High school dress codes should be terminated because they destroy individualism, sexualize girls, and perpetuate negative stereotypes of young men. The strict manor associated with dress codes prohibit students from freely expressing themselves. Fashion and the style of a teen can easily be used as a form of self-expression. K.G Alston, J.G. van Staden, and J.L Pretorius within their article "The constitutional right to freedom of expression: How enforceable are school dress codes?" confirm the idea "[t]hat dress is an expression of self and makes a statement of who one is" (1). The outfits that one may wear define themselves. For some, it is the only outlet for them to communicate key parts to who they …show more content…

The writers also include that students who are "subjected to a rigid dress code would seem to have their fundamental rights invaded, and would appear to be arbitrarily coerced for no good reason" (1). It is evident how students enjoy having the permission the choose what they would like to wear without having to fear they will be violating rules against their dress. Along with expression, there is individuality. People dress the way they like with their own unique style, but some trends are not always what is considered school appropriate. One may also feel confident in certain outfits, but if they are prevented from wearing something if their administration or are dress coded while wearing it, the result is negative. Female students can become insecure when they become the blame of distraction for male