Should Ebola Be Banned Persuasive Essay

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Ebola is something that we all have worried about, but do we all know how bad ebola really is? The US should not help other countries with the ebola epidemic crisis, the US will save lives and money. Banning travel to and from ebola infected countries to the US will save money on flights, and the US will save more lives, too. Thousands of people have died from ebola. The US shouldn't risk having their own citizens die when they can avoid it. Going to other countries is going to hurt the US. Patients from different countries that come to the US will infect many more. The USA should not spend their own money on other countries’ ebola epidemic. It’s not the US’s job. All these are a few reasons that we need to stop providing other countries with our own resources and money to fight the ebola epidemic. Other countries that have the ebola epidemic should be able to look after and supply somewhat for themselves. This is not the USA’s job. Although the US shouldn’t help, if someone wants to help they should privately invest in helping the other countries that are infected with the ebola virus. The US government shouldn't spend their own money on other countries. The government has other things they need to pay for such as military, social protection, health …show more content…

If someone infected with ebola goes on a plane, it gives the possibility of infecting more people. If one person is infected they have to go through check in at the airport. They have to give all their luggage, their jewelry, etc. and it is all checked. Whoever is checking their things, they have the possibility of being infected. After one is infected they interact with a lot of others and the ebola virus could spread faster and faster just from one infected person. Less money, fuel and time will be spent if they ban the flights, so its not that bad if they ban all travel to those

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