Should Female Mathematics Be Taught In Primary Schools

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Introduction Even in todays society girls are underrepresents within the fields of science technology engineering and mathematics. Despite the fact there is little correlation between gender and mathematic ability (Watt, Eccles & Durik, 2006). Which raised the question as to why women opt out of careers within the mathematics domain. This under representation within mathematics could be imbued, due to the ideology that girls are not as competent at mathematics as boys. While this belief of girls capability within mathematics, is not seen as a contemporary approach to teaching, unfortunately its still occurring within classrooms today, with many teachers unwilling, disadvantaging girls without even realizing that they are doing it (Reys et …show more content…

Outline that that it could be a cycle of learning, with the female teachers passing on there anxiety and dislike for mathematics to the females within her classroom. Which could help to explain the changed feeling towards mathematics when they entering to primary school compared to before they entered school (Galdi, Cadinu & Tomasetto, 2013) Further research from Galdi, Cadinu & Tomasetto, 2013 indicated that Boys are more likely to rate their mathematic ability much higher then girls. Despite the facts that girls tend to actually out preform or score equally as well as …show more content…

The gender gap within ability this was particular noticeable when they broke the math’s groups between year levels 3-6 those that were in the top group were nearly all male with all the females that were in the high working group being in grade 6, Compared to the fact that many males were from lower levels. When I talked to the students it was interesting to note that many of the female students had all ready developed negative connotations towards math’s and a common answer when I asked if the liked math’s was “I hate math’s but I love English” indicating that at this particular school they are still indirectly showing students that boys are better at math’s and that girls are better at English. Which show that this is still current issue that Australia is

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