Should Fiction Novels Stay In School?

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Fiction novels encourages creativity, gives you inner peace, helps you find yourself, and introduces a new kind of imagination to readers that can’t be found in any other genre. Fiction books are fun to read and can also give valuable life lessons such as Pinnochio that teaches that lying is mostly a bad thing. Keeping fiction would not do any harm but benefit schools to have because they are more interesting and are factually better for the brain. I think fiction novels should stay in schools due to the statistics that say fiction is better for the brain so it would not be a smart move to take fiction books out of schools. Fiction novels have been proven to be better for the brain than non-fiction. “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t.” The fiction genre is an immersive experience and teaches the most lessons to readers with the tales they tell. Keeping fiction in school is smart because children are more likely to pick up a fiction book from the library than a …show more content…

Those kinds of facts have been proven and researched and have been stated by Joshua Fetcher. Having a good fictional book to just get away from the real world is a great way to get the imagination going. Kids need fiction because reading non fiction only in schools will not do anything but show them another person’s life. “Fiction can even start from anywhere. It doesn’t have to be linear”, a quote by Jeff Goins. He explains that fiction can be anything and does not have to limited. Non-fiction is limited to stay realistic, but in fiction, you can create any story you want with any ending. Having a story with endless possibilities can be more fun to read than a book about a realistic story. Fiction is a portal to another world and opens the mind to fun stories and in doing so is a good reason to keep the genre in

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