Should Foreign Language Be Taught In Schools

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Foreign language education in U.S. Public Schools needs to be improved. This is important since most negative effects come from a high percentage of the population not given the chance to learn more. People who have mastered two languages are called bilingual, or if people speak more than two - multilingual. Although bilingualism is considered as a normal ability, and it does not make a person exceptional or unusual, it reflects him or her personally, influencing his or her future career options, financial income, and brain flexibility. Therefore, the lack of foreign language being taught to kids is immense and is affecting not only the individual but the society as well. The humongous problem is that one of the most populated continents in …show more content…

If people become interested in foreign languages, then money will start going towards organizations to promote foreign languages. In order to change an entire society’s way of life, it’s necessary to start from the beginning of a generation. I propose that we begin by making a foreign language class mandatory for kids in grade school. Just like math and English literature is necessary for kids to learn at an early age, foreign language and culture should be taught to children. According to the Dumas studies, “A study of 13,200 third and fifth graders in Louisiana public schools revealed that, regardless of race, gender or academic level, children taking foreign language classes did better on the English section of the Louisiana Basic Skills Test than those who did not” (Dumas 1999). Therefore, it had been proved that learning a foreign language in elementary school reflects positively on other subjects and respectively simplifies the task of mastering both the language and subsequent subjects that student will have to face. In addition, if kids are taught at an early age, the children will understand that this is a part of their lives and it will start to interest the future generations. Since an entire generation of people will have interest in foreign languages, many organizations or businesses would want to help with promoting the necessity in a foreign language. Therefore, organizations or businesses would put forth money in order to help and prove their support, so funding will be awarded to any group associated with the use of foreign language and culture. In conclusion, by beginning with a younger generation, and continuing on from that younger group, and teaching them foreign languages and cultures, interest in this idea will grow and money will start to flow towards this new

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