Should Graphic Novels Be Used In The Core Curriculum?

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Graphic novels have been important parts of one’s childhood since the dawn of time. Ever since 1842, children have been enjoying these action-filled picture books, but many teachers now wonder if it’s time to take the graphic novel one step further. A controversial topic in our modern day society is whether graphic novels should be used in core classes. While graphic novels provide access to lower level readers, graphic novels shouldn't be used in the core curriculum because, graphic novels dumb-down the original text, and the comics take the challenge out of school. To begin with, graphic novels dumb-down the original text. Diane Ravitch, education professor at NYU, points out that “Once kids know how to read, there is no good reason to continue to use dumbed-down materials” (Mendez). The pictures in the graphic novels reveals the plot to the reader, and so if a student is assigned to read graphic novels, they may not even have to read the comic. Students can simply look at the pictures without reading any of the writing to know what is happening in the story. …show more content…

Diane Ravitch, a professor at NYU, explains that students “should be able to read poems, novels, essays, books that inform them, enlighten them, broaden their horizons” (Mendez). Although it may not be enjoyable for the students to read difficult material, students can learn more from a book with a complex plot, theme, and mood than from a comic book with an easy plot, theme, and mood. Students may not fully comprehend the theme of a challenging book, but that would teach a student more than a graphic novel possibly could. A concerned Knockett parent named Mary Beth says “Education must be strict. It must be a challenge” (Comic Book Science). Graphic novels may make learning more fun, but that isn’t worth losing the challenge that helps the students learn. In the end, graphic novels aren’t more academically beneficial than the real text for the

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