Should High School Students Be Required To Take P. E Classes Essay

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First, high school students should not be required to take P.E. classes every year of high school because some kids don 't need to take a p.e. class, children that are healthy, fit and have good habits should be able to opt out of P.E. classes in favor of classes that support their chosen career path. There would be absolutely no point for a student that lives a healthy lifestyle with the goal of becoming an accountant to take a P.E. class every year, it would make more sense for them to take another math related class, or a class they have an interest in. Additionally, if you don 't already have a healthy lifestyle by high school then another P.E. class probably won’t help you. If practicing the exercises taught in P.E. isn’t already a …show more content…

Finally, the most important reason that high school students should not be required to take P.E. classes every year of high school is Some students have medical problems that make them unable to take p.e. classes. Imagine if a student with hemophilia were running with a group of kids outside and he tripped and scraped the skin off his knee, the coach might know how to respond but if he just happened to not be paying attention then there would be a student bleeding to death surrounded by children who would have no idea that something serious was even happening. Indeed, while it is important for children to exercise and to learn how to keep their bodies in shape, high school students should not be required to take P.E. classes every year of high school. I think that if a student has taken at least two years of P.E. already and still don’t exercise properly by themselves having them take a P.E. class every year for the rest of their school life would be a waste of time that they could be using to study other things. I encourage parents to teach their children good health habits at home while they are young so that exercising properly will become a habit they will have throughout life while still having enough time in school to learn everything they need to know to support themselves when they have a job and are living on their