Should Huckleberry Finn Be Allowed In Schools

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Why Would a Good Novel be Kept in the Classrooms?

A trashy and racist book wouldn't be allowed in classrooms. The novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain, has had a lot of negative talk about it since its publication date in 1884. The major problem that students, parents, teachers, and even professors, have had with the novel is the usage of the n-word. After reading the adventurous story, it is hard to find the problem that people are facing. Therefore, this incredible novel should be continued in the high school curriculum because it offers students a realistic historical background, numerous positive reactions, and the meaning of the word nigger, (referred to as the n-word) has changed over time.
The Adventures …show more content…

In the 1800s, the n-word stood for slave and was used to insult the slaves. Twain uses this single word 219 time in his novel! Twain used the word mostly in dialect and used it strongly when the Duke and Dauphin or pap were talking. He used it as a way to show the readers that they are supposed dislike those characters. (FIND IN BOOK PAP’S GOVERNMENT SPEECH) The characters use the word meaning slave, fitting the time period of slaves. Students (AT) believed that the language was appropriate to the setting and to the time period. But, many people disagree and find the word extremely racist and unnecessary. The Pennsylvania State President, Charles Stokes, who apart of the NAACP said “The concerns we have is that to the black child it might be damaging. Also to a white child, or a Hispanic child, those words could be damaging.” Charles Stokes made his point, and stated his thoughts but in all reality, the word is coming back and being used all the time. Kids use it with their friends meaning the word friend. Many “black” people admit to saying the word freely with their friends not meaning as slave. In a “Teaching Tolerance” magazine, printed in 2011, there is an article called Straight Talk About the N-Word. In this article, they talk about the new and upcoming meaning of the N-word, and how often it is being used. It even talks about how people are comfortable with the n-word because they have grown up listening to it in their hip-hop/rap music. But It also talks about how “Black youths are indeed offended by [whites using the n-word].” But what isn’t understandable is how “black” people are openly saying this word but are against it being in The Adventures of Huckleberry FInn. It makes more sense for the n-word to be used in the novel rather than people and music artists using it meaning friend with a background of the word meaning slave. If people have a problem with the N-word being used in a book,