Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned Research Paper

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Award winning movie director Quentin Tarantino has no problems using the n word “nigger” in his movies. In Django Unchained the word is muttered towards slaves one hundred and ten times by actors on screen. Throughout this two hour film it seems as if the word is being said every other sentence, and drawing large amounts of criticism from movie critics. Similarly, Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn he uses the word a whopping two hundred and nineteen times over three hundred pages. Except it is not the movie critics criticizing this time instead it is the parents of students rejecting the teaching of Twain's novel. Throughout Twain's novel, his derogatory language directed towards African Americans, the way that they are portrayed, and the type of role model that Huck is for students reading the book all draw controversy. Although there are controversies surrounding Twain's novel, it should not be banned because he wants to make his audience cringe …show more content…

Throughout the book Huck does lie, cheat, and steal and that it is not justifiable to live that way in any way, but what is good in Huck is his will to stick up for what he believes in. Huck is going against the norm of society in order to help Jim become free and reconnect with his family. Huck loves Jim and expresses in a simple action by tearing up a piece of paper of Jim's whereabouts and claims “All right, then, I’ll go to hell” (Twain 228). Most of the time when things tend to not be in favor of the person who is in a dilemma it is easiest to give up and take the easy way out but Huck is able to stand his ground and go against the norm of others. He is able to learn from the Duke and the King that blind loyalty to social codes can have disastrous consequences, which shows that he is able to not conform to the way that the adults around him act and be his own

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