Should Immigrants Have A Path To Citizenship Essay

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Should The U.S. Government Allow Illegal Immigrants A Path To Citizenship?
The hard workers in America are being sent away. Undocumented immigrants have done so much for America and we don’t even know it. Some say they’ve committed foul actions and some say they’ve kept America in place. These people do everything citizens in America do but they don’t get to enjoy the benefits of what they do because they’re not citizens. Our foreign friends are hardworking and determined and have been a huge help they definitely deserve to be given a pathway to citizenship. To begin these immigrants are helpful to America “undocumented immigrants they point out, pay taxes, spur economic growth, and thus deserve the full benefits of citizenship” (immigration policy 2013). All the low paying jobs Americans don’t want to do immigrants have no problem doing it. Many people in America with different political sides also agree that undocumented immigrants should be allowed a path to citizenship. “A solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in …show more content…

Others also argue that undocumented immigrants have broken the American laws and should not be rewarded for it. “With the goal of making it in the land of milk and honey, an undocumented alien can work at jobs the average American will not be willing to take” (Green Garage 2015). What jobs are they taking? The ones that no American wants? They are just filling up empty space for the Americans who “want” their jobs but won’t work at them. These people have also caused no harm when breaking these laws. The laws they’ve broken where for smart reasons and they’ve proven that they are good people. They should not be labeled as criminals for seeking something better. Is that not what people come to America