Should Intelligence Testing Be Used In Schools?

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In U.S. public schools, from kindergarten to twelfth grade, you are given exams to test your intelligence. The subjects range from math to english and even science and you are expected to be proficient at each one otherwise you cannot advance to the next grade. It’s smart to try and teach everyone the same things that way they have the knowledge they need for the next grade. However, what if a student cannot grasp a certain subject as well as others can but they excel in a different subject. Some people think the way intelligence testing is applicated in schools is fine,it's the way it's been done since the 1900’s. Now some don't think intelligence testing should be used in schools due to each student being very different. Is it right to grade every student on the same scale, or should intelligence testing be removed altogether. One side of the argument says that intelligence testing should stay in schools. It makes sense because intelligence testing has been used since about 1905 when Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon published the first modern intelligence test. The arguments behind keeping intelligence testing in schools say that it shows academic achievement, it helps detect disabilities/gifted students, and can be use to judge someone's …show more content…

If a student isn’t motivated then he/she won't try and will ultimately fail. For a student to stay motivated they must be able to keep up with the lesson but if it's too hard they may give up. An argument for intelligence testing says that it shows teachers a student's academic level. The test is used to find where a student stands and to find the right kind of class for them. If it weren't for intelligence testing then gifted students could be coupled with non-gifted students and it would be unfair to the students. Some students might need extra help and the more gifted students who have the capacity to learn more will not get that opportunity in a normal

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