Should It Be Able To Buy The Music Industry?

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The music industry has changed and has expanded over the last few decades. A few decades ago, music was bought by going out to a store and buying CDs, cassette tapes, or records in music stores. Now, however, in todays world music is much easier and more efficient purchasing without having to buy music from a store. Today, music is bought online. Whether the music is payed for on an app, or through a monthly fee on a music app. Either way, an Artist has to make their living by making music, and a majority of their living is by people going out and purchasing their music. Due to the troubles of starting out, and being apart of the music world for the first time. Artist should be able to sell their music off to advertisers if they are …show more content…

Now it is even more difficult with the use of today's technology. If someone is going to become famous, then they need to get their name out there or people to know. According to Source One, "Others have embraced the idea of streaming music, claiming that it offers smaller artist a chance for their music to get heard by a wider audience." Streaming music on a music app is a great way to try and get a musician's name out into the public eye. People playing their favorite tunes on a music streaming app can listen to an Artist's music without purchasing the whole album. Streaming music can become a new way to be used as another stepping stone, climbing their way to the top. However, according to Source Two, " The music business is just that—a business. It exists to make money, and artists need to make money in order to continue making music." Musicians should be able to sell their music off to advertisers to aid in their ability to make money. If an artist's isn't making money, then they can't make music. Which could domino effect to the artist no longer able to play on tours, or release new …show more content…

Everyone wants to be higher on the ladder, wanting to become the most known, and their songs favored over other artist's music. Which could lead to the reasonable thought process of how it wouldn't be a great idea for an artist to sell off their music to advertisers. People don't like hearing the same music over and over again when a commercial is constantly being played. As stated in Source Two, " Overexposure is a huge risk for popular bands who license out their music as well; people often tire of hearing the same music every time they turn on the radio, watch television, or go to the movies" When someone's music is being heard all the time, they could be at risk of getting the horrid reputation of being annoying. In Source Two, it is written that " In many situations, a record label owns the rights to an artist’s music, and if they license a song to a company or other party the artist has no control over how the song can be used.". Which can also shatter an artist reputation. If one of an artist songs gets used in a way their song wasn't written to be in. This could consequently lead to putting the artist out of

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