Should Kids Get Paid To Do Chores Research Paper

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Did you know, only 15% of kids get paid for doing chores? Children really should be paid for their services. There are various benefits of kids being paid to do chores, like if they save up their money and buy something they really want, and doing chores even helps kids learn responsibility and do well in their careers. I just don't think it's fair that we do all of these chores and don't get paid. Parents get paid to go to work, so kids should be paid to do chores. First of all, if children get paid for doing chores, they can save up for something they really want. They won't have to ask their parents for the money to buy it. If the kids buy the object themselves, they will appreciate it more. For example, in the article "Should Kids Get Paid To Do Chores?" (26) if a child really wants a phone, like Megan, they will be able to use the chore money to buy it. Every time they use their phone, they'll remember how hard they worked to get it. Furthermore, the kid will probably be extra careful not to break it, otherwise they'll have to pay for it again by doing more chores. …show more content…

In the article "Should Kids Get Paid To Do Chores?" (26) by Scholastic Scope, professor Marty Rossmann from the University of Minnesota states adults who did chores as children are more likely to be successful in their careers. Doing chores really helps children to be great in life. They'll make more money if they're successful in their careers, and won't have to rely on their parents. Chores are a great way to help kids learn how to be successful in

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