Should Language Immersion Programs Be Outlawed In California?

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For Amy Marcus, languages were the key to discovering the world around her. From a young age, her passion for exploring cultural exchanges and human interactions has motivated her to continually expand her knowledge and appreciation of different languages. As a kindergartener, her teachers would tell stories in both German and Japanese. In high school, she was given the opportunity to begin learning French, also studying the culture through books and various travel opportunities. Truly, the languages that Marcus experienced were like open windows, linking her to any part of the world and allowing her to share her memories and thoughts to anyone, anywhere. However, present-day, this window is slowly being closed in schools around the country, …show more content…

In America, specifically in states like California that have a large amount of non-English speakers, several students join immersion programs to be able to pick up the language quickly and easily. However, because there is much controversy regarding whether language immersion should be outlawed in California or not, many immigrants, like Latinos for example, “who desperately needed and wanted to learn English were stuck in classrooms where they were denied that opportunity” (Chavez). These children have to learn at Spanish schools, for without language immersion programs, they do not know enough English to keep up with native speakers. The state is slowly limiting Latinos, who “believe it is imperative” for them “to learn English,” not understanding that by doing so, the futures of these children and the nation are being restricted (Chavez). Statistics done by the CARLA show that “proficiency in a second language and intercultural competency skills open up employment possibilities” (Fortune). By educating Latinos in English, California is not only providing more opportunities for them in the future but also improving the state of the economy, as citizens that are more educated will be able to have higher paying jobs and therefore, earn more money. Furthermore, more people will follow the law, resulting in lower crime rates in cities. Therefore, establishing language immersion programs around the state and nation will offer more opportunities for students, specifically immigrant children, to receive the education they deserve and to prepare them for a more promising

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