Should MDMA Be Legalized Persuasive Speech

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First thing is first disclaimer, I do not use Cannabis, MD-MA (methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) nor any other illegal drug nor would I if they were or to become legal. I barely drink alcohol and in the mist of quitting Smoking. I think i have the most unbiased thoughts on the situation. I do not want to see any person addicted to any drug, but what people don't/wont tell you that its just as easy to become addicted to alcohol, tobacco, fatty foods, caffeine, sugars and the biggest legal addiction of them all prescribed drugs. Most overdoses in Australia are from prescription drugs such as Morphine, other pain killers and antidepressants. Why should Cannabis and MD-MA be legalized? Cannabis and MD-MA is less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco, …show more content…

On average out of every 1000 deaths in Victoria out of those: 119 are caused by smoking 24 are caused by alcohol (including road deaths caused by drinking) 12 are caused by road deaths (including road deaths caused by drinking) 3 are caused by other drugs, including heroin. So why is tobacco and alcohol legal but Cannabis and MD-MA illegal? Cannabis also helps people with illness, especially cancer patients going through chemotherapy with nausea and lack of appetite (may even help the body fight the cancer). Cannabis is also a sleeping aid alternative to prescribed drugs which can be overdosed on. Here is a few case studies where illegal drugs should be/are legalized and the benefits. Cassie Battens said life had changed for her three-year-old son Cooper Wallace, since his parents started breaking the law by giving him medicinal cannabis "He couldn't hold his head up before, he would just lay there," said his mother Cassie …show more content…

Jail for the organization is only a hindrance, as others are willing to take there place whether there a lackey taking orders to the head of the organization they can be replaced before there even convicted. if you take away there money you take away there power. The war on drugs is failing it seems the more money and crack downs our police forces introduce the more drugs are readily available. On average 1.2 billion dollars are spent on the War on drugs which could be used in other places for example, education, rehabilitation and enforcement of more dangerous crimes. Legalization of Cannabis/MD-MA may also lower the usage of other dangerous drugs including bot not limited to Opium based, cocaine based, G.H.B and other strong Methamphetamine's products such as ice. No more meetings with that shady in the ally way for that one time amount Cannabis or MD-MA with your friends on the weekend. People are going to acquire illegal drugs one way or another, why not make it safe for them (there will always be a demand drugs which will always create a supply) its just a matter of who and how. How should it be

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