
Should Native American Mascots Be Banned From Sports?

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Take a position: Should Native American mascots and logos be banned from sports? Why or why not? Has there ever been a time in your life where you feel like you are being disrespected? If so, then you can relate to some of the Native Americans in our world. Native Americans feel disrespected by some schools and teams that have mascots that represent some type of Native American. They find it offensive because of how some schools and teams around the world operate. Natives feel that they are sending the wrong message to all students. The symbols, images and mascots teach non-Indian children that it's acceptable to participate in culturally abusive behavior and perpetuate inaccurate misconceptions about American Indian culture. Why do you think professional teams have resisted changing their mascots? I go to Oak Grove High School, and our mascot is a Warrior. I am able to say that Oak Grove represents our Warrior name to the fullest, no complaints around here. I feel this way because everyday we excel, and our school is very competitive. We thrive when it comes to new opportunities for students to learn. No, I don't believe these mascots and logos teach young people negative …show more content…

Natives feel like if you are going to be a warrior or an Indian, you have to stand for what warriors and Indians really believe in. “But many American Indian advocacy groups see the logos and mascots as an insult and have fought for decades, with some success, to put an end to what they call stereotypical representations of their culture.” I believe that some schools that have mascots that represent Native Americans, aren't all an insult. Some schools really do represent their honor and culture, maybe not the exact way they did it then, but I do believe some schools mean good. Not all schools mislead students, though most schools around the globe have their own twist to

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