Should Prayer In Schools Be Allowed?

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Should prayer in schools be allowed? Praying in school is a controversial issue that is faced in society today. Praying allows people to express the right that individuals have as United States Citizens, which is Freedom of Religion. Many schools today often prohibit prayer on school grounds, due to the influence that it could impose on students, but praying gives students the right as a United States Citizen to express their religious beliefs. Prayer needs to be allowed in Public Schools, due to prayer being necessary in one’s life. “Many schools often modify their curriculum in order to be in line with the school’s belief” (Kramer). About ten percent of American children attend nonpublic schools, and prefer religious institutions which are most common (Kramer), to receive an education that corresponds with their beliefs. Prayer in school also has a factor in teaching …show more content…

If “students want to pray, then they are free to do so before and after school” (Ford). Students are just not allowed to pray by themselves in an area by an accompanied by an authority figure (Ford). The teacher could have been accused of having a religious influence on them or they could direct them not to pray. If prayers are allowed, students and faculty will convey an idea that praying is an important exercise for everyone within the school (Ford). In 1787 Congress had the belief that when the United States Constitution was written, that it was common for the government to promote religion (Ford). After the years go by the Congress starts to suggest how religion in schools should not be enforced.Stating that “the congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” (Ford and McMahon). Now really saying that the congress may not be for it in school, but they really have a reason to take it away in

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