Should Prostitution Be Legalized Persuasive Essay

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Its no question, sex sells. But the multi-million dollar industry of selling sex is illegal across America, with exceptions in parts of Nevada. Yes, were talking about prostitution. Its the world's oldest profession. Yet it is considered taboo by the general population of the United States. Legalized and well-regulated prostitution has proven successful in other parts of the world, such as Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Brazil. When it comes to the idea on legalizing sexual favors, there are many reasonable concerns. But with proper laws and regulations, and strict enforcement of these laws, prostitution can be safe and beneficial for everyone. However, not everyone is on board with these liberal ideas. Perhaps the biggest reason why prostitution holds such a negative connotation is because people have wrongly begun to associate being a sex with being an victim to human trafficking. Because of their intertwined history, many people confuse those tapped in trafficking with sex workers involved in prostitution. However, prostitution and human trafficking are not synonymous. According to …show more content…

Opposition to legalized prostitution claim that if decriminalization would lead to more clients having more contact with potentially infected sex workers, therefor would be more likely contract sexual diseases from prostitutes and spread it to the other members of society. However, if prostitution was legalized we could safeguard this concern by giving sex workers more protection and medical attention. Through law enforcement clients would be forced to wear a condom, and all prostitutes and clients would be checked for STDs on a regular and consistent basis. This would also erase the shame and fear of legal retribution that sex works experience when they seek help for a sexually transmitted disease, making them more likely to come forth and seek treatment if their is a

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