Should School Uniforms Be Paid?

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There is much debate across the nation whether or not school uniforms should be required in schools. Many people believe students wearing school uniforms can only make a positive impact on students and their education. However, a majority of people believe that requiring school uniforms takes away students ability to express themselves, is a financial burden for struggling families, and is simply a Band-Aid for other important school issues. It is stated in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution that all individuals have a right to freely express themselves. Clothing choice is a crucial form of self expression, whether it be your favorite color or favorite band. Schools spend so much trying to encourage diversity but contradict themselves by forcing everyone to look the same. Outfits make every individual who they are. Furthermore, not all students feel that school uniforms fit their body the way they would like to and instead would prefer to wear something they feel comfortable in. Forcing students to wear things they don’t feel comfortable in causes self-esteem issues. Taking away the right to wear what you want to wear and enforcing school uniforms puts a burden on people’s …show more content…

Americans spend $1 billion per year on school uniforms. More specifically, a school uniform outfit costs anywhere from $25 to $200. When you add up the number of outfits per day of school for a child, and the number of students in a household, the total cost increases dramatically. For some students, it is hard to find school uniforms in their size, making the whole ordeal even more expensive. Hard working parents shouldn’t have to deal with additional costs for clothing when their child already has clothes for everyday that can be worn to school. The money spent on school uniforms could instead go to paying bills or a savings account for college

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