Should Schools Have Access To Students Social Media Passwords?

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Social Media Passwords

About 90% of teens have had a social media account and about 75% have a profile on a social networking site. Many schools are now trying to get childrens passwords to their social media accounts. Schools should not have access to children’s social media accounts because even though they are only children it’s an invasion of their privacy and life at home. Also, teachers shouldn't be able to just log into their accounts at any moment in the day to see what the kids are doing. On the contrary, school administrators should have access to students accounts if needed for important purposes, like bullying or other school violations. There are many points of views on this topic, but it’s more important that the kids feel safe and don't have to worry about school administrators invading their privacy at any moment. …show more content…

Schools in Illinois sent letters to parents saying that their children are to give school administrators the media passwords and their parents didn’t like that. According to the article Schools Weigh Access to Students’ Social- Media Passwords by Benjamin Herold it states, “ In response to the recent passage of two state laws, schools in the 3,700- student district sent home a letter last month stating that “your child may be asked to provide his or her password (social media) accounts in certain circumstances.” The letter provokes an uproar among some parents.” This shows that schools are trying to get children's media passwords, but the parents aren’t allowing