Should Social Media Be Held Responsible For Antisocial Children

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Social Media Should Not Be Held Responsible For Antisocial Children Technology is advancing to heights, and it is more popular than ever to communicate with one another through social media like texting, facebook, twitter, skype, and more. Since almost every great advancement in social media has happened in the last thirty years it is only natural that people born of those generations use social media more than people who were born post the last thirty years. Due to social media being so popular, there has been rumors circulating that kids and teenagers are losing their social skills due to overuse of social media. These rumors are an easy outlet for parents who can’t take responsibility for not having not taught their children how to socialize. …show more content…

They’re addicted to each other.()” Teenagers crave interaction just as much as adults; if not more than adults, but teens and younger children don’t have the freedom and mobility to see each other that adults have. Naturally kids take advantage of social media in order to get their social needs met. Often, parents take their kids’ overt use of texting and facebook as a red flag; parents respond to the problem by preventing their kids from using social media in an attempt to make their children more social; all the parents are really doing is making the problem worse by preventing their children from a much needed source of human …show more content…

Parents do not understand the difference between social media and other online content, and they simply conclude that everything online is harmful to their children, and forbid their children from using social media. Or rather than that, parents just assume that social media steals their children's’ social skills, and that the parents must not let their kids use social media at all, and if parents fail at this task, their children will not understand social dynamics. Parents must realize that children will find inappropriate material if not monitored, and that parents are responsible for guiding their kids through appropriate online etiquette. Parents must be involved in their children's’ online lives because when parents are not involved in their kids’ lives the children suffer by making poor decisions online and offline. Parents must also realize that their children need to socialize, and that social dynamics are taught to children by their parents, and that social media if anything, is making up for this generation’s lack of parenting, not undermining it; if kids of this generation are losing their social skills; the fault does not lie with social

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