Should Steroids Be Legalized Essay

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Steroids are drugs used to become stronger and achieve a strong physique. Throughout recent history steroids have been viewed negatively by society. One reason it is viewed negatively is because of the idea of unfair advantage. Steroids are illegal and are strongly discouraged to be used and may have been first expressed during high school with the introduction of organized sport teams. There is a perspective for the legalization of steroids which focuses on the many benefits of legalization. The perspective against the legalization of steroid expresses the harmful effects of steroids. My view of the subject is that I am against the legalization of steroids. First and foremost, the perspective for the legalization of steroids focuses on the …show more content…

There are conflicts with regulating drugs because of the design of substances in sports. There are solutions on how doping may be medically supervised, like legalizing them. There is the idea that doping to win is a necessity. There is a difficulty in catching dopers because detection of drugs is not reliable. The main concern for legalizing performance-enhancing drugs is to figure out how regulation would work. Stephen Wang supports the legalization of performance-enhancing drugs for the use of professional athletes. Wang states that most of the top finishers in cycling are found guilty in the practice of using performance-enhancing drugs. Testing for performance-enhancing drugs is extremely difficult since drug makers make them harder to detect. A main point made by the author is the necessity of doping to win. One piece of evidence given by Wang is that doping is seen as necessary to remain competitive in sport. Over 240 top professional cyclists were caught using performance-enhancing drugs. A second main point made by Wang is the difficulty of catching dopers. Wang states that heavy regulating is needed to assure clean sport. A former