Should Students Choose Their Own Teachers

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Should Students Choose Their Own Teachers? A controversial issue argued by some is whether students should be allowed to choose their own teachers. Within an educational environment, teachers have different teaching strategies and methods. Moreover, students also learn differently and have different and specific needs when it comes to being educated. For these reasons some are of the opinion that students should be able to choose their own instructors or teachers. However, some are opposed to this hence arguing that students should accept the teachers they are allocated to. Teachers have spent years at university to become qualified and dedicated to teaching and empowering students to the best of their ability. They are well trained in the field of education and how to deal with the needs of learners on different levels. The curriculum to graduate as a qualified teacher at university includes teaching methods, strategies, classroom management, and didactics. Reasons why students should not be allowed to choose their own students are that teachers are well equipped with knowledge and didactics as well as the fact that learners may choose a teacher that is too lenient. One reason why students should not be allowed to choose their own teachers is that teachers are well equipped with knowledge and didactics, the way of teaching. Students therefore have no excuse that they are being taught by a teacher who does not know methodology or didactics. Methodology and didactics are