Argumentative Essay: Why Teachers Should Be Armed In Schools

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If a teacher had a gun in your class how would you feel? What if a student gets hold of the weapon, how would you feel? Even if the student means no harm and makes a joke, it’s still a danger towards students. You would feel stressed or scared. After the school shooting in Florida, President Trump made a speech stating teachers should be armed in classrooms because they could shoot an armed intruder and protect their students. Having teachers armed in schools gives kids a dangerous mindset, the students will think that the teachers will use the arms to control the class behavior thought and not protect. In the event of a lockdown, the teacher may not know even know what do with the gun. In ¨Students who support gun laws find themselves in a …show more content…

In 2001 in the journal Pediatrics Geoffrey Jackman, they asked twenty-nine groups of two to three boys, around the age of ten, to wait in a room with a two-sided mirror for fifteen minutes. In the room were openly displayed two water pistols and a real 0.380 caliber handgun partially hidden in the room. The handgun was rigged to imitate the sound of it being shot. Eighty percent of the sixty boys found the handgun. Fifty percent handled the handgun, twenty-six percent pulled the trigger, and fifty-six percent were unsure if it was real or not. Ninety percent of the children who picked up the gun had had a previous gun safety education. The Federal Bureau of Investigations’ (FBI) homicide data from 2010 said that 1,448 children who died as a result of gun violence in 2010, eleven percent of those deaths were at the hands of other children. According to British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) the guns per capita in Australia in 1996, was seventeen and a half guns per one hundred people, while in the USA, guns per capita were 91 guns for 100 people. Then in 2016, in Australia guns per capita were 13.7 for 100 people, in the USA where it was 101 for 100