Should The Church Steer Clear Of Politics?

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What is your reaction when you hear people saying that the church should steer clear of politics? The issue of church and politics has long been a point of contention amongst Christian scholars and theologians. Further, the implications of certain held political view points in modern culture have created heated divisions amongst Christian circles. Therefore, it is imperative that the issue of church and politics be held with critical thinking and a pure heart. As author and pastor Shane Claiborne articulates, it is the temptation of running the largest world power that has greatly effected the American Church’s identity, further the often celebrated patriotic pride we value, comes as one of strength and power not one of humility and sacrificial …show more content…

As a Christian, one is called to live in a new Kingdom, with a new eternal perspective. This thinking leads one to love their enemies, sacrifice, live in humility, and care for the weak. These views which continually grow drastically different than the growing democratic, capitalist norm America fights to protect, must stay at the forefront of the mind of the 21st century American Christian Church. Therefore, even when aims to steer clear of a political stance, they way in which they live out their faith becomes a political statement, regardless if they choose to vote or not in the next …show more content…

As Hauerwas states, the church doesn't have a social strategy for change, it is the strategy for change (Hauerwas,1989 p.43). Rather than addressing the issues that plaque the modern political scene, the church and its leaders must stay in step with the radical calling of every Christian and every church to live out a life that Jesus demonstrated. The issues of homosexuality, abortion, global warming, and many others, don't come with unattached emotional ambiguity. Each issue has the potential to create moral paradoxes, heated debate, and personal opinion from within and without the Christian perspective. Therefore, the role of the Christian leader is to call the church to “fix their eyes on Jesus” (Hebrews 12:2). Pastors shouldn't share opinion on issue, but point the church to a greater calling, a kingdom calling. When the church loves unconditionally, sacrifices deeply, and acts distinctively, the world takes notice. As Claiborne describes, the acts of Mother Teresa were out of radical love not a political action, yet the world took notice and it created social change (Claiborne & Haw, 2008). The church is the political solution to the world, yet it isn’t through a government policy, plan of action, or a candidate, but the church living out the greater calling of being the power and purpose of God’s redemptive story (Hauerwas,

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