Shouta Attack Summary

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In the article " Ghouta Attack: Dad Recalls Sarin Strike That Killed 34 Relatives" the author discussed how the Syrian 's have suffered because of the Ghouta Attack that happened in Syria and how the Syrians are not getting enough protection. Within hours, 34 members of Tukhie 's family have been killed by the lethal vapors. Thirty members of Tukhie 's extended family also died in the attack on their rebel-held Damascus suburb, widely believed to have been carried out by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The Syrian government has blamed the attack on foreign fighters and their supporters. Tukie wrapped a wet towel around his face and carried the 5-year-old onto the rooftop of his building. Then he went back for his son Adnan, 10; daughters Salma and Ruba, 9 …show more content…

Muhammad Jaradah was one of the doctors who treated victims of the sarin attack and has kept close track of survivors. While Assad has handed over his chemical stockpile, Jaradah said: "He and other doctors are still seeing the effects of different types of chemical attacks."Still to this moment chlorine attacks are taking place," Jaradah said. "The last one in our area was a month ago on the front lines of Jober and Harasta we got 30 patients and three of them died." Although chlorine gas is classified as a choking agent, it was not on the list of chemicals. Assad regime submitted to be destroyed. N. The chemical weapons watchdog blamed the government for using chlorine gas in two attacks and ISIS fighters for using mustard gas in one attack. 'I remember my mom ' Now he walks with a crutch and cannot work, so is forced to rely on donations and handouts from his neighbors. The surviving father and son do take solace from frequent visits the cemetery where the rest of their family is buried, offering prayers and remembering Haifa, Salma, Ruba,