Sick Building Syndrome Essay

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1.1 Background of study

Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a phenomenon where people experience ill health symptom that occur in a building. The symptom of sick building symptom can be divided into mucous membrane symptoms related to eyes, nose and throat; dry skin; general symptoms of headache and lethargy (Brian & Nancy, 2010).
SBS can give a big impact to human daily life and influence their life quality and work performances. Norhidayah,Lee,Azhar,Nurulwahida (2013) states that SBS can give affect job satisfaction, work stress and productivity. Moreover, SBS most clearly appeared in office environment and also similar could occur in schools, hospital or care homes (Brian & Nancy).This show that office workers are potential …show more content…

Derek (2014) highlight statement by Dr Hodgson from School of Medicine at the University of Connecticut Health Centre that most people spend more than 90% of their time indoors, that indoor concentrations of pollutants are often substantially higher than those found outdoors, and that small children, the elderly, and the infirm are likely to spend all their time indoors, leading to permanent chronic exposure to low grade toxic factors.
Generally most of building using air conditioning as a ventilation component in the building. Passarelli (2009) states that air conditioning units and the pollution within the atmosphere from both inside and outside the building are believed to be the main contributors of SBS. When this pollution is then circulated around the build, which has a negative effect on the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), because of high numbers of air contaminants such as gases like Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Volatile Organic Compound and particulates (Passarelli, 2009) .Ventilation very important element in play role of indoor air quality of a building.If ventilation system do not manage in properly it will increase air contaminants and result it give massive effect to human daily

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