Sidney Hook's In Defense Of Voluntary Euthanasia

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Euthanasia is a serious political, moral and ethical issue in today’s society. Most people either strictly forbid it or firmly favor euthanasia. Although, I have no political opinion or chosen religion, I chose to educate myself more on the matter of euthanasia. I feel very strongly about this issue because I have been affected by the matter on an emotional basis. I am a relative of someone who is a medical technician in an emergency room and he also works in a cardiac unit. I’ve actually watched people in pain eventually die. I’ve had to listen to people beg to, “pull plugs,” and put pillows over their faces to smother them so they could die faster. Terminally ill patients have a fatal disease from which they will never recover. Euthanasia …show more content…

Hook has dealt with bad hands as to have encountered death and was unable to really get over the experience. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, which many are able to live with, but left untreated or maintained correctly will cause a painful death to whomever has contracted it.. He tells of his first meeting with the Grim …show more content…

A congestive heart failure was treated for diagnostic purposes by an angiogram that triggered a stroke. Violent and painful hiccups, uninterrupted for several days and nights, prevented the ingestion of food. My left side and one of my vocal chords became paralyzed. Some form of pleurisy set in, and I felt like I was drowning in a sea of slime.” If this detailed and disgusting description of a near death experience isn’t enough to make the average person understand this man's pain, possibly the next quote will change you to re-think euthanasia, “At one point, my heart stopped beating; just as I lost consciousness, it was thumped back into action again. In one of my lucid intervals during those days of agony, I asked my physician to discontinue all life-supporting services or show me how to do it. He refused and predicted that someday I would appreciate the unwisdom of my request”. It is important to reminisce on Hook’s words when pondering about his personal story with the Grim Reaper. Hook believes that he was robbed of the peaceful relief of death and will at some point in his later years have to suffer through it again, when the Grim Reaper comes back a 2nd time.. Euthanasia is a serious issue in today's world. discussions for and against euthanasia are brought up for major

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