Sigmund Freud Research Paper

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Sigmund Freud, Father of Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud was born May of 1856 and died September 1939.Freud was an Austrian neurologist, and may justly be called the most influential intellectual legislator of his age.
(Britannica 2017) He believed that when we explain our behavior we do not give a true account and we are not honest about our motives. He did not believe that we deliberately lie but rather we deceive ourselves in order to rationalize our conduct. Freud's theory was that the unconscious mind governs our behavior more than people expect. He sought to make the unconscious conscious. (McLeod 2013) Freud …show more content…

He compared the features of the mind to an iceberg. On the surface is consciousness, our thoughts that focus on the now, this is the tip of the iceberg. Our preconscious consist on what can be retrieved from our memory.
The unconscious mind he considered the most significate and also the real cause of our behavior.
Like an iceberg the biggest part is what you cannot see, it is what is beneath the surface.
Sigmund Freud emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind. (McLeod 2013) To summarize Freud believed that our unconscious mind held the key to our behaviors and he developed the theory of psychoanalysis. He sought to prove that mental and emotional illness could be treated and relief could be found by talking in therapy sessions. He developed many followers and formed his own committee of 22 members known as the Vienna Psychoanalytic
Society in 1908. (McLeod 2013) Freuds theory is good at explaining but not predicting behavior, a goal of science. However unscientific his theory is one cannot argue the fact that