Significance Of Fleete In The Mark Of The Beast Kiping

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In Kipling’s The Mark of the beast, four English military men travel to India, ignorant and unaware of the traditions and customs. The men traveled to a temple and Fleete the main character disgraced a sacred statue of a monkey. The priests in total disbelief surrounded Fleete until an unknown “Silver Man” appeared out of no wear. Unclear what the Silver Man is, he puts a mark on Fleete that changes his life forever. The next 24 hours Fleete turns into some sort of beast. This stops due to Fleetes friends who find the Silver Man and torcher him until he turns Fleete back to his human state. Having so many strange events begs opens up the short story to many different interpretations how Fleete went native. Fleetes character defines going native as completely altering your state of mind as well as your state of being in an alternate exotic environment. …show more content…

It is not until this point where he truly starts the process of going native. Until Fleete alters his mind set from human to primal. For example, “...returned to Fleete, who was on his hands and knees under the orange-bushes… The smell of the earth is delightful. I think I’m going for a walk- a long walk- all night.” This passage clearly shows the start of Fleete going native. Not only is his state of mind altered but now his behavior is falling through as well. In this passage he enters in to a more beastly state therefor transitioning into the native state of

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