
Significance Of Guilt In Macbeth

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“Macbeth” the play written By William Skakespere has so many things happen because of the emotions of people. People killed each other so they could be at the top and have everything; those people are selfish. Macbeth is selfish; he killed his friend Duncan after Duncan was praising him for fighting in the war and doing good. After getting everything they could ask for, their bodys fill with guilt. Lady Macbeth wanted Macbeth to be king, she didnt care if people were killed. Lady Macbeth was filled with emotions such as love, guilt, and anger.
Love between two people is something very special and Lady Macbeth had that with Macbeth but it fell apart piece by piece.Macbeth loved everything about Lady Macbeth and she loved everything about him too. They had a very strong relationship; they were very united; kept nothing from …show more content…

Guilt is an emotion that really gets to you, makes you feel like a horrible person. Lady Macbeth was definitely a bad person; but she still had a lot of guilt. They both deserve to have the guilt feeling. They killed so many people. After everything Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have done; Lady Macbeth cant take the guilt she sleep talks and does weird things in her sleep like rubbing her hands together. In “Macbeth” Lady Macbeth says in her sleep”The Thane of Fife had a wife; where is she now? What, will these hands ne'er be clean? — No more o'that, my lord, no more o' that; you mar all with this starting.” They both wished they could take it back, not have to deal with it anymore. This shows Lady Macbeth knows she can't take back what they have already done. There will always be blood on their hands. You can't take back the big mistakes you made over and over again. Just like how Macbeth killed people over and over; and Lady Macbeth supported it and even helped make the plans. Lady Macbeth is going crazy, telling secrets in her

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