Significance Of The Cyclops Trial In The Odyssey

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In the story of The Odyssey by Homer the part of the hero’s journey that is utmost represented are the trials more specifically the trial of the Cyclops and the trial of the Sirens. In Book 9 the Cyclops story the Cyclops Polyphemus, “in one stride he clutched at my companions and caught two in his hands like squirming puppies to beat their brains out, spattering the floor” (192-194). This shows that the group that Odysseus is in net themselves a whale of trouble with Polyphemus. We know it is a trial by considering how the crew needs help and they drive through trouble in order to attempt to receive that help. Which in turn means that the trials are well represented by the Cyclops in The Odyssey. Another trial is when Odysseus has to get

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