
Significant Turning Point In Human History: The British Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution was a significant turning point in human history. It brought about unprecedented economic growth and technological advancements that transformed the way society functioned. The question of why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain has been a topic of much debate among historians. In "Enclosure and the Yeoman: The Agricultural Development of the South Midlands 1450-1850," Robert C. Allen argues that Britain's specific culture of growth played a crucial role in the country's ability to lead the world into the Industrial Revolution. According to Allen, Britain's culture of growth was rooted in its agricultural revolution, which began in the 16th century and continued into the 18th century. During this time, the country …show more content…

The country had access to coal and iron, which were essential for the production of new technologies such as steam engines and machinery. Furthermore, Britain's access to trade routes and the availability of capital allowed for the rapid expansion of its economy. In "The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective," Robert C. Allen further argues that Britain's culture of growth was also reflected in its political and legal institutions. The country had a stable political system, which allowed for the protection of property rights and the free flow of ideas. Additionally, Britain had a legal system that protected the rights of inventors and encouraged innovation. These factors, combined with the country's culture of growth, created an environment that was conducive to the development of new technologies and the growth of industry. Nicholas Crafts, in his book "Forging Ahead, Falling Behind and Fighting Back: British Economic Growth from the Industrial Revolution to the Financial Crisis," also highlights the role of culture in the Industrial

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