Similarities Between Adolf Hitler And Winston Churchill

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Winston Churchill vs. Adolf Hitler

Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler were two leaders during the time of World War II. They were leaders with differences and similarities. Churchill was the British prime minister and Hitler was a German dictator and military leader. Churchill believed in social reforms while Hitler believed in extreme nationalism, racism, and anti-semitism. Churchill made needed and beneficial social reforms, such as social welfare, created a minimum wage system, taxed the wealthy, and helped build up the military and airforce, while Hitler was a brutal and demanding leader. They expressed themselves and their personalities through their leadership, their political ideals, and their goals as leaders.

Churchill was a leader that believed in social reforms and individual liberties and limited government worldwide. He made several social reforms while in charge, welfare reforms, reforms in prison, and many more. According to he believed in the principle that people have the right to change the government or form if they were unhappy with them. He believed in limited government worldwide while Hitler believed in extreme nationalism, racism, and anti-semitism. All of these principles were present in his “Nazi handbook,” the Mein Kampf which translates into “My Struggle.” He believed that the Germans belonged to a superior race of Aryans and despised Christianity, claiming that they were weak.

Churchill made a lot of reforms and improvements while in office. He created a minimum wage system and unemployment help. He taxed the wealthy British and created social welfare reforms. He even went as far as to perform reforms in prison systems. Hitler, …show more content…

"Adolf Hitler Biography." The Website. A&E Television
Networks, n.d. Web. 28 April 2016. Editors. “Winston Churchill Biography.” The Website. A&E
Television Networks, n.d. Web. 28 April