
Similarities Between Americans In The Great Depression And Women On The Breadlines

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In both the pieces “Women on the Breadlines” and “Americans in the Great Depression” it has a similar belief of how people should act. They both know that pride and ego makes people starve just as much as starvation and sickness. In “Americans in the Great Depression” it says,” It becomes necessary for these people, who have never before been in want, to ask for assistance.” People who were rich with money in the bank, and a big house, and lots of food, and a good job suddenly find themselves homeless, starving, broke, and unemployed. The proud feeling those people had from their old life is now gone. If you are too proud you will suffer silently and stare to death because you were too proud. Similarly, in “Women on the breadlines” it …show more content…

In “Americans in the Great Depression” it says,” Women faced a harder market than their fathers, husbands, brothers, or sons. And if they had to leave their families, life on the road presented an even greater threat of physical exploitation than it posed to their male relations. ” This line is explaining the hardships women faced. Whether the woman was fending for herself or if she has kids, she needs a job in order to survive. This line contains nearly no emotion, you just read it and move on to the next one. In “Women on the Breadlines” it says,” She kept scolding the girl, and the girl kept sobbing and sobbing because she was starving…. showing her legs so that the cook came out and gave her some food and some men gathered in the alley and threw small coin on the ground for a look at her legs.” This has so much emotion into it. This girl is starving and can’t get food, she is so incredibly hungry that she is willing to throw her innocence away for a morsel of food. The piece “Americans in the Great Depression” gives you the facts and conditions of the great depression, while “Women on the Breadlines” gives you the pain and back-breaking work people went

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