Similarities Between Canada And Bill Cosby

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Poverty is a very touchy topic that many people approach and speak about in very different ways. Geoffrey Canada and Bill Cosby are two people who speak on the causes of and solutions for poverty in very different lights. The causes of poverty are ones that arguably vary. Canada takes the position where he points out the problems of the poor and provides solutions to those problems by using himself as a catalyst for the change these broken families need, basically saying to them, “here are the problems and I’m going to help you fix them,” while Cosby takes a totally different approach. Cosby, in his famous “Pound Cake Speech,” basically talks about all the issues of poverty and reasons why poor people are poor by calling them out and putting them on blast with very raunchy examples and gives absolutely no answer to the problems. Cosby basically tells them that them being poor …show more content…

Cosby and Canada critiqued modern day society and the way families function based on socio-economic status giving light to the fact that some of societies less educated come from homes with parents who also aren’t well educated. Both Cosby and Canada realized that children are growing up in a cycle where they see grandma stuck and mommy stuck and end up stuck themselves. It becomes generational. The children don’t know where to go or even how to move forward because they don’t see anyone around them trying. All they see is everyone satisfied with the bare minimum, the low paying jobs and all the help the government could ever offer. Canada’s solution is to reach out and touch the lives of these children, granting them a better future. From Cosby’s perspective, they have to want better for themselves. They have to want it bad enough to the point where they get up and go work to make their situations

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