Similarities Between Chapter 22 And Oedipus

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In the play Oedipus the kind and chapter 22 "He is blind for a reason, you know? "

both have the topic of strong,powerful men murdering other men and being completely

oblivious to it until the truth becomes aware to them.

In htrllap chapter on " He is blind for a reason, you know?" The man is much like

Oedipus he is strong and capable yet has a hidden secret of the murder of men.

Oedipus and this man are good at one thing though, blindness. Both characters are

blind of the actual realization on who has done these murders."so unaware of his sins

he decides to hunt down the murder" later to find out it was him and he punishes him

self.Another similarity was the towns reaction to Oedipus and the man both are

very angry