Similarities Between Congress And California Legislature

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California is similar to any other state in the United State except Nebraska in that, it has a two house legislature consisting of the senate and the assembly. However, California differs from the other states mainly in having a process that allows enactment of laws without the participation of the legislature. Although there are similarities between the two parties there still exists difference in procedures, membership and leadership. (John 51) Some of the differences include; The number of voting members in the U S congress (Federal Legislature) is different from those in the California Legislature. In the U S Congress the number of voting members in the Senate and the Assembly is one hundred (100) and four hundred and thirty-five (435) …show more content…

In California Legislature each term in office for the Senate runs for four years and two years for an office in the Assembly. While in the U S Congress each term in office for the Senate is six years and for the House of Representatives (Assembly) is two years. (John 55) The members of the California Legislature have a time limit in office while the U S Congress Members do not have any time limitations in office. The senate members in the California Legislature can only run for office for two terms each of four years. The Assembly members in the same California Legislature can only serve for three terms each of two years. The U S Congress members in both the Senate and the Assembly have no time limitation in office. (John 57) The presiding officers for the two houses in the U S Congress and the California Legislature are different. In the U S Congress the Senate is presided over by the Vice President while the Assembly is presided over by the Speaker. In the California Legislature the Senate is presided over by the Lieutenant Governor while the Assembly is overseen by the Speaker. In this case only the Senate has different presiding officers. (John

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