Similarities Between Crooks And Curley's Wife

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Often in life people are lonely. In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck there are two characters in the story that are lonely. They are also considered outsiders in the book. These characters in the story are not accepted in the book because they don't have friends on the farm. You could tell they’re lonely because no one wants to talk to them or help them. In the novel Of Mice and Men, the characters Crooks and Curley's wife are outsiders because every time they try to socialize,no one wants to be with them. They are similar in the book because they are both lonely.

Curley’s wife from the book Of Mice and Men is one of the outsider from the book. According to the book she is an outsider because she doesn’t have a lot of friend to …show more content…

Crooks is a instrestring character according to the story because he is only mentioned once or twice. He is interesting because by the two times he was mention you could tell right away that crooks is one of the loneliest people on the farm just like curley wife. In the story crooks is the only black person on the farm and this was a time of segregation so white people were not allowed to talk to black people. Crooks was lonely according to the story because he lives in his own bunk and is separated from everyone. Crooks has no one to talk to on the farm. According to the story crooks stated “well i ain't giving u no trouble. Think i dont wanna talk to anyone every once awhile”. This quote is saying that crooks don't mind talking to other people every once in a while. He want someone to talk to because he is lonely and he enjoy talking to another people. This explains why crook is lonely but the biggest reason is segregation because he black and he has to be careful talking to people because they could get him in trouble. This explains why in the book urley wife and crooks are similar and