Similarities Between El Olvido And Life In The Age Of The Mimis

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Carol Tuttle once said “Rebellion is a sign of a child fighting to be seen as who they are”. This idea of rebellion as a way to bring attention to one’s identity can be seen in the two texts “El Olvido” by Judith Ortiz Cofer and “Life in the Age of the Mimis ” by Domingo Martinez. The authors of these texts exhibit the idea that try to forget one’s identity can cause you to suffer. Have you ever wondered what wondered what would happen if you tried to rebel against your roots and forget who you truly are? In the poem “El Olvido” by Judith Ortiz Cofer. She sends a message that forgetting one's roots and culture they are from can be dangerous. You may wonder why forgetting your roots are dangerous, In this essay i'm going to explain why it …show more content…

Have you ever wondered why people choose to rebel and forget where they are from or what will happen when you try rebelling against reality? In his short story “ Life In The Age Of The Mimis.”Domingo Martinez sends the message that sometimes escaping ones tradition can come back and haunt one . Additionally, one reason why people choose to rebel or forget where they’re from is because they are most likely trying to fit in. In the text it states,”They were entering the sinister world of teenage girls, which in the mid-1980s in Brownsville , Texas, was tinged with border town racism. Instead of being ashamed of who they were, my sisters decided to create a polite fiction…” This shows that the girls where obviously trying to fit in but the outcome of their fantasy came tearing down before them. In the text it says that,” And so ultimately even the Mimi’s were humiliated, and the delusion of wealth that had the family’s idea of itself a lot were deflated….No one ever mentioned the Mimi’s again.” This means that the Mimis rich delusion and fantasies soon came to a dramatic