Similarities Between Frankenstein And Dublinerers

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In an ideal world, the essence of humanity is its altruism, intellect and its compassion. Controversially, the novel Frankenstein and Dubliners inform us through the words of their stories that humanity is distorted. Frankenstein, written by Merry Shelly signifies the way in which individuals adapt malicious behaviors due the judgmental and excessive expression of hate from a group of people towards a particular individual, which in this case was the Monster. Excessive expression of hate is shown through a chain of fear created by one individual and passing that belief onto the next, ultimately creating a domino effect of hate towards another despite encountering that particular individual. In Dubliners, the principle of influence represents …show more content…

By trying to ‘play god’ the reality of life was too taunting and bizarre to handle which paved a way for fear, judgment and hate to creep in. Disregarding the physical and mental distortion the monster had, he was still capable of feeling emotion, curiosity, and behavior which grew immensely every time he was rejected through fear and judgment as he yearned for human connection. In the early stages of pure life, the monster was born to no love or support and was created on the foundation of abandonment and neglect which was unjust. In a nature versus nurture standpoint, the lack of nature and the failure of responsibility from society, and especially a parentlike figure of providing nurture illustrated how quickly vengeance and retaliation can arise. Victor quotes, prior to the creation of life, “A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me. No father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as I should deserve theirs." This claims the importance of love and connections from others which is a right to any human life that was taken away from the monster very shortly after his creation. The environment the monster was abandoned in allowed him to go through a range of emotions by himself as response to how cruel humanity can be, which caused an extent of pain and suffering to the monster. Shortly afterwards, the monster used his intellect which was driven by his suffering to go on a journey of revenge to find and kill his creator. The definition of humanity is revealed overtime as the light shines on the monster’s personality as he shows no remorse towards murder and anger. This personality is an echo from the behavior of others, that is, hate, judgment and fear in addition to the reflection of Victor Frankenstein actions. Here, Frankenstein