Similarities Between Frankenstein And Edward Scissorhands

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It is clear by analysing these stories that both protagonists were first abandoned by their creator and then once again by society. Shelley and Burton both effectively incorporated the techniques of setting and mood to portray moments of abandonment in both Edward and the monster’s lives.
Consistent within various chapters of the Frankenstein novel, are scenes of the monster wandering around alone in different environments, portraying him to be a creature disregarded and abandoned by society. The diverse use of both change in setting, and mood of language, effectively displays the moments of abandonment that the monster is experiencing and hence allows the audience tio sympathise with his emotions. By displaying that the monster is alone in …show more content…

This is proven by the fact that when Edward was accepted by society due to Peg bringing him in, the town was depicted as colourful and lively whereas at the end of the movie when society was against him, it was a stormy and gloomy night. Burton intentionally applied these techniques throughout the movie to give a better feeling of when Edward was or was not abandoned by society. By doing this it implies to the audience that Edward’s involvement in society is determined by the scenery around him and when it is dark, the audience can assume that humanity rejects him.
Setting and mood are the two simplest techniques to interpret due to their involvement with language and visual cues. By reading the setting or mood of a scene it allows the audience to feel what is happening in that moment and interpret the sort of atmosphere a certain character is experiencing.
By using both the monster and Edward as a vessel for abandonment, with the incorporation of developed language and scenery by both Shelley and Burton, the audience can determine what to feel in that situation and therefore either empathise or despise a certain