
Similarities Between Gattaca And Fahrenheit 451

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The dystopian worlds depicted in the movie Gattaca and the book Fahrenheit 451 show the potential dangers of technology and the ways in which it can be used to control individuals and society as a whole. Both works illustrate the ways in which technology can be used to enforce conformity, limit freedom, and perpetuate inequality. In Gattaca, the technology of genetic engineering has led to a society in which individuals are judged and discriminated against based on their genetic makeup. Those who are genetically inferior are relegated to menial jobs, while those who are genetically superior are given access to the best education and job opportunities. This creates a rigid social hierarchy in which those at the top have a significant advantage over those at the bottom. Vincent, the protagonist of the film, is genetically inferior but dreams of becoming an astronaut. He assumes the identity of a genetically superior …show more content…

Books are banned and burned in order to prevent individuals from accessing knowledge that might lead them to question the status quo. The government uses technology to monitor individuals and enforce conformity, using television screens to transmit propaganda and keep individuals under constant surveillance. The main character, Guy Montag, is a fireman whose job is to burn books. He becomes disillusioned with his job and eventually joins a group of rebels who are committed to preserving knowledge and promoting freedom of thought. This illustrates the ways in which technology can be used to enforce conformity and limit freedom, but also the potential for individuals to resist this control and fight for their rights. Both Gattaca and Fahrenheit 451 demonstrate the ways in which technology can be used to perpetuate inequality and limit freedom. However, they also show the potential for individuals to resist this control and fight for their

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